plotting package

This module contains mainly a class Mapfigure, which makes it easier to create Basemap plot and add a method to plots trajectories on top of it.


First let’s load the class:

>>> from dypy.plotting import Mapfigure

Then prepare a map you have two main options:

  1. with a domain definition:

    >>> domain = [5, 10, 45, 47]
    >>> m = Mapfigure(domain=domain)
  2. Or with lon, lat coordinates:

    >>> m = Mapfigure(lon=lon, lat=lat)

In this case, the domain is based on the boundary values of the lon, lat arrays.

The next step is to plot data on the map:

>>> m.contourf(lon, lat, data)

or, if m was prepared using option 2:

>>> m.contourf(m.x, m.y, data)

To add the map background (countries and coastlines):

>>> m.drawmap(nbrem=1, nbrep=1)

where nbrem and nbrep can be specified to adjust the grid lines

Plotting trajectories

To plot trajectories on top of a map, you can do the following:

>>> from dypy.lagranto import Tra
>>> trajs = Tra()
>>> trajs.load_netcdf(filename)
>>> m.plot_traj(trajs, 'QV', cm='Spectral',
                levels=np.arange(1, 12, 1))


class dypy.plotting.plotting.Mapfigure(resolution='i', projection='cyl', domain=None, lon=None, lat=None, basemap=None, **kwargs)[source]

Class based on Basemap with additional functionality such as plot_trajectories

drawmap(continent=False, nbrem=5, nbrep=5, coastargs={}, countryargs={}, meridiansargs={}, parallelsargs={})[source]

draw basic features on the map nbrem: interval bewteen meridians nbrep: interval between parallels

plot_traj(trajs, variable, cmap='Spectral', levels=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot trajectories on a map

m = Mapfigure(domain=[5, 15, 40, 50]) m.drawmap() m.plot_traj(trajs, ‘QV’)
class dypy.plotting.plotting.SkewT(ax, prange={'dp': 1.0, 'pbot': 1000.0, 'ptop': 100.0})[source]

Create a skewT-logP diagramm


Returns saturation vapor pressure (Pascal) at temperature T (Celsius) Formula 2.17 in Rogers&Yau

gamma_s(T, p)[source]

Calculates moist adiabatic lapse rate for T (Celsius) and p (Pa) Note: We calculate dT/dp, not dT/dz See formula 3.16 in Rogers&Yau for dT/dz, but this must be combined with the dry adiabatic lapse rate (gamma = g/cp) and the inverse of the hydrostatic equation (dz/dp = -RT/pg)