.. _lagranto-package: lagranto package ================ Based on : https://lagranto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Examples -------- In a first step, let's simply read the trajectories:: >>> from dypy.lagranto import Tra >>> filename = 'lsl_20110123_10' >>> trajs = Tra() >>> trajs.load_ascii(filename) or to read a netcdf file:: >>> filename = 'lsl_20110123_10.4' >>> trajs.load_netcdf(filename) The proprieties of the trajectories can be shown as follow:: >>> print(trajs) 24 trajectories with 41 time steps. Available fields: time/lon/lat/p/Q/RH/TH/BLH total duration: -14400.0 minutes >>> print(trajs.variables()) ['time', 'lon', 'lat', 'p', 'Q', 'RH', 'TH', 'BLH'] >>> print(trajs['Q'].shape) (24, 41)