Source code for dypy.netcdf

# coding:utf-8

Module to read and write netcdf file.

Interface to netCDF4


import sys
from collections import OrderedDict

import netCDF4
import numpy as np
import os

def _check_var(nvariables, variables):
    """ Check if <variables> are contained in <nvariables>
        return True/False, difference
    nv = set(nvariables)
    v = set(variables)
    ok = set(nv).issuperset(v)
    return ok, v.difference(nv)

[docs]def read_var(filename, variables, index=slice(None), **kwargs): """ Extract variables from a netCDF Raise an IOerror if the file[s] is not found; netcdf time are return as datetime array if possible Parameters ---------- filename: string path to a netCDF file variables: list or string variables to read as a list of string; a single variable can also be given as a string index: slice, optional A slice object; for example np.s_[0, :, 10] kwargs: keyword arguments A list of arguments to pass to the MFDataset class. For example to aggregate the files on the <time> dimension use aggdim='time' Returns ------- list of numpy array: list """ filename = [filename] if type(filename) is not list else filename if type(variables) is not list: variables = [variables] # test if filename exists for f in filename: if 'http://' in f: continue if not os.path.isfile(f): raise IOError('{} was not found'.format(f)) try: with netCDF4.MFDataset(filename, **kwargs) as ncfile: vararray = _extract_from_netcdf(ncfile, variables, index) except OSError as err: if len(filename) == 1: with netCDF4.Dataset(filename[0], **kwargs) as ncfile: vararray = _extract_from_netcdf(ncfile, variables, index) else: raise err return vararray
def _extract_from_netcdf(ncfile, variables, index): vararray = [] nvariables = list(ncfile.variables.keys()) ok, diffvar = _check_var(nvariables, variables) if not ok: err = '{} not found in file\n. Available :{}'.format( ",".join(diffvar), ",".join(nvariables)) raise Exception(err) for var in variables: if var == 'time': time = ncfile.variables[var] try: vardata = netCDF4.num2date(time[:], units=time.units) except (AttributeError, ValueError): vardata = time[:] else: ndim = ncfile.variables[var].ndim if (ndim == 3) and (index != slice(None)): nindex = index[1:] else: nindex = index vardata = ncfile.variables[var][nindex] vararray.append(vardata.squeeze()) return vararray
[docs]def read_var_bbox(filename, variables, bbox, lon='lon', lat='lat', return_index=False): """Read var only in the bbox Similar to read_var but read only the data in the given bounding box. Parameters ---------- filename: list or string filename(s) where the data is located variables: list or string variable(s) name of the data to read from file bbox: list coordinates of the bounding box as: minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat lon: string or np.ndarray, default lon name of the 2D longitude array in the data; or 2D longitude array lat: string or np.ndarray, default lat name of the 2D latitude array in the data: or 2D latitude array return_index: boolean, default False If True return the index used to reduce the variable data, with the dimension (time, height, lon, lat) Returns ------- bbox_lon: numpy array lon restricted to the bbox bbox_lat: numpy array lat restricted to the bbox bbox_dta: numpy arra data restricted to the bbox """ if type(lon) is str: lon, lat = read_var(filename, [lon, lat]) xll, xur, yll, yur = bbox xindex, yindex = np.where((lon > xll) & (lon < xur) & (lat > yll) & (lat < yur)) xmin, xmax = xindex.min(), xindex.max() + 1 ymin, ymax = yindex.min(), yindex.max() + 1 index = np.s_[:, :, xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax] vardata = read_var(filename, variables, index=index) returndata = [lon[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax], lat[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax]] returndata.extend(vardata) if return_index: returndata.extend([index]) return returndata
[docs]def read_gattributes(filename): """ Read global attributes from a netCDF Parameters ---------- filename: string path to a netcdf file Returns ------- global attributes: dictionary """ with netCDF4.Dataset(filename) as ncfile: gattributes = ncfile.__dict__ return gattributes
[docs]def read_dimensions(filename): """ Read dimensions Unlimited dimensions size are return as None Parameters ---------- filename: string Returns ------- a dictionary with name as key and the dimension as value: dictionary """ dimensions = OrderedDict() with netCDF4.Dataset(filename) as ncfile: for name, dim in ncfile.dimensions.items(): dimensions[name] = None if dim.isunlimited() else dim.size return dimensions
[docs]def read_variables(filename): """ Read variables Parameters ---------- filename: string Returns ------- a list of variables names: list """ with netCDF4.Dataset(filename) as ncfile: variables = list(ncfile.variables.keys()) return variables
[docs]def read_var_attributes(filename, var): """ Return the attributes of the variables as a dictionary""" with netCDF4.Dataset(filename) as ncfile: return OrderedDict((n, getattr(ncfile.variables[var], n)) for n in ncfile.variables[var].ncattrs())
[docs]def create(outname, dimensions, gattributes, format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC'): """ create a netCDF """ ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(outname, 'w', format=format) for dimname, size in dimensions.items(): ncfile.createDimension(dimname, size) ncfile.setncatts(gattributes) return ncfile
[docs]def addvar(ncfile, varname, vardata, dimensions, attributes=None): """ Add a variable to an opened netcdf file""" var = ncfile.createVariable(varname, vardata.dtype, dimensions) if type(attributes) in [dict, OrderedDict]: var.setncatts(attributes) try: var[:] = vardata except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('{0} in addvar()\n'.format(e)) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def addvar_to_file(filename, varname, vardata, dimensions, attributes=None): """Add a variable to a netcdf file""" with netCDF4.Dataset(filename, 'r+') as ncfile: addvar(ncfile, varname, vardata, dimensions, attributes)