Source code for dypy.intergrid

# split class Gridmap ?
import collections
from time import time

# warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates, spline_filter

__version__ = "2013-07-01 jul denis"
__author_email__ = ""

[docs]class Intergrid: """ interpolate data given on an Nd rectangular grid, uniform or non-uniform. documentation and original website: Purpose: extend the fast N-dimensional interpolator `scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates` to non-uniform grids, using `np.interp`. Background: please look at Parameters ---------- griddata: numpy array_like, 2d 3d 4d ... lo: numpy array_like, hi: numpy array_like, user coordinates of the corners of griddata, 1d array-like, lo < hi maps: list a list of `dim` descriptors of piecewise-linear or nonlinear maps, e.g. [[50, 52, 62, 63], None] # uniformize lat, linear lon copy: bool, default True; make a copy of query_points copy=False overwrites query_points, runs in less memory verbose: bool, default True print a 1-line summary for each call, with run time order: int, default 1 see `map_coordinates` prefilter: bool, default False the default: smoothing B-spline 1 or True: exact-fit interpolating spline (IIR, not C-R) 1/3: Mitchell-Netravali spline, 1/3 B + 2/3 fit (prefilter is only for order > 1, since order = 1 interpolates) Examples -------- 1) For regular grid: Say we have rainfall on a 4 x 5 grid of rectangles, lat 52 .. 55 x lon -10 .. -6, and want to interpolate (estimate) rainfall at 1000 query points in between the grid points. Define the grid >>> griddata = np.loadtxt(...) # griddata.shape == (4, 5) >>> lo = np.array([ 52, -10 ]) # lowest lat, lowest lon >>> hi = np.array([ 55, -6 ]) # highest lat, highest lon Set up an interpolator function "interfunc()" with class Intergrid >>> interfunc = Intergrid( griddata, lo=lo, hi=hi ) Generate 1000 random query points, lo <= [lat, lon] <= hi >>> query_points = lo + np.random.uniform( size=(1000, 2) ) * (hi - lo) Get rainfall at the 1000 query points >>> query_values = interfunc( query_points ) # -> 1000 values What this does: for each [lat, lon] in query_points: 1) find the square of griddata it's in, e.g. [52.5, -8.1] -> [0, 3] [0, 4] [1, 4] [1, 3] 2) do bilinear (multilinear) interpolation in that square, using `scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates` . Check: interfunc( lo ) -> griddata[0, 0], interfunc( hi ) -> griddata[-1, -1] i.e. griddata[3, 4] 2) For non-uniform rectangular grids: What if our griddata above is at non-uniformly-spaced latitudes, say [50, 52, 62, 63] ? `Intergrid` can "uniformize" these before interpolation, like this: >>> lo = np.array([ 50, -10 ]) >>> hi = np.array([ 60, -6 ]) >>> maps = [[50, 52, 62, 63], None] # uniformize lat, linear lon >>> interfunc = Intergrid( griddata, lo=lo, hi=hi, maps=maps ) This will map (transform, stretch, warp) the lats in query_points column 0 to array coordinates in the range 0 .. 3, using `np.interp` to do piecewise-linear (PWL) mapping: >>> 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 # lo[0] .. hi[0] >>> 0 .5 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 3 `maps[1] None` says to map the lons in query_points column 1 linearly: -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 # lo[1] .. hi[1] 0 1 2 3 4 More doc: """ def __init__( self, griddata, lo, hi, maps=[], copy=True, verbose=True, order=1, prefilter=False ): griddata = np.asanyarray( griddata ) dim = griddata.ndim # - (griddata.shape[-1] == 1) # ?? assert dim >= 2, griddata.shape self.dim = dim if np.isscalar(lo): lo *= np.ones(dim) if np.isscalar(hi): hi *= np.ones(dim) assert lo.shape == (dim,), lo.shape assert hi.shape == (dim,), hi.shape self.loclip = lo = np.asarray_chkfinite( lo ).copy() self.hiclip = hi = np.asarray_chkfinite( hi ).copy() self.copy = copy self.verbose = verbose self.order = order if order > 1 and 0 < prefilter < 1: # 1/3: Mitchell-Netravali = 1/3 B + 2/3 fit exactfit = spline_filter( griddata ) # see Unser griddata += prefilter * (exactfit - griddata) prefilter = False self.griddata = griddata self.prefilter = (prefilter == True) self.nmap = 0 if maps != []: # sanity check maps -- assert len(maps) == dim, "maps must have len %d, not %d" % ( dim, len(maps)) for j, (map, n, l, h) in enumerate( zip( maps, griddata.shape, lo, hi )): if map is None or isintance(map, collections.Callable): lo[j], hi[j] = 0, 1 continue maps[j] = map = np.asanyarray(map) self.nmap += 1 assert len(map) == n, "maps[%d] must have len %d, not %d" % ( j, n, len(map) ) mlo, mhi = map.min(), map.max() if not (l <= mlo <= mhi <= h): print("Warning: Intergrid maps[%d] min %.3g max %.3g " \ "are outside lo %.3g hi %.3g" % ( j, mlo, mhi, l, h )) self.maps = maps self._lo = lo # caller's lo for linear, 0 nonlinear maps shape_1 = np.array( self.griddata.shape, float ) - 1 self._linearmap = shape_1 / np.where( hi > lo, hi - lo, np.inf ) # 25jun #............................................................................... def __call__( self, X, out=None ): """ query_values = Intergrid(...) ( query_points npt x dim ) """ X = np.asanyarray(X) assert X.shape[-1] == self.dim, ("the query array must have %d columns, " "but its shape is %s" % (self.dim, X.shape) ) Xdim = X.ndim if Xdim == 1: X = np.asarray([X]) # in a single point -> out scalar if self.copy: X = X.copy() assert X.ndim == 2, X.shape npt = X.shape[0] if out is None: out = np.empty( npt, dtype=self.griddata.dtype ) t0 = time() np.clip( X, self.loclip, self.hiclip, out=X ) # inplace # X nonlinear maps inplace -- for j, map in enumerate(self.maps): if map is None: continue if isinstance(map, collections.Callable): X[:,j] = map( X[:,j] ) # clip again ? else: # PWL e.g. [50 52 62 63] -> [0 1 2 3] -- X[:,j] = np.interp( X[:,j], map, np.arange(len(map)) ) # linear map the rest, inplace (affine_transform ?) if self.nmap < self.dim: X -= self._lo X *= self._linearmap # (griddata.shape - 1) / (hi - lo) ## print "test X:", X[0] #............................................................................... map_coordinates( self.griddata, X.T, order=self.order, prefilter=self.prefilter, mode="nearest", # outside -> edge # test: mode="constant", cval=np.NaN, output=out ) if self.verbose: print("Intergrid: %.3g msec %d points in a %s grid %d maps order %d" % ( (time() - t0) * 1000, npt, self.griddata.shape, self.nmap, self.order )) return out if Xdim == 2 else out[0] at = __call__
# end